Children who experience trauma tend to have health problems later in life. Dr. Nadine Burke Harris explains why—and how we can help heal those wounds. Patrice Hooke, LMFT offers Couples …
The Ridiculously Awesome Practice of Surrendering
Every day in this world is a shaky, uncertain, constantly changing landscape — and that causes us to try to get control. Anxiety and Depression Counseling Chicago Jana Fuchs, LCPC …
Are You Stuck in Constant Self-Judgment?
Depression Treatment Raleigh Do you feel down? Have you lost interest in things you used to enjoy? Are you critical and judgmental towards yourself? We can help you find the …
Anxiety and Depression – How To Help Your Partner And Yourself
Living with anxiety and Depression can be tough. Your thoughts might race, you might dread tasks others find simple (like driving to work) and your worries might feel inescapable. But …
Why Letting Go of Control Can Help You Enjoy Life
Feeling the need to be in control is natural. It’s something we all inherently want, and we feel best when we know exactly what is going on in all the …
What Is Breathwork and is it Beneficial?
Breathwork is about being able to control how you breathe and it has many health benefits for your mind and body. But what exactly is is breathwork? Is it the …
Why Perfectionism Stops Us from Creating New Habits
When we decide to create a new habit — exercise, healthy eating, meditation, writing — we can get excited and optimistic, and have an idea of how it will go …
How To Tell Your Friends You’re Depressed
Deciding to tell the people you love that you’re struggling with depression is a big step. Not only is it challenging to find the energy to reach out to people, …
Can Counseling Help With Depression?
Depression is a serious mood disorder. with an estimated 16 million American adults having at least one major depressive episode in the past year.1 It can affect how you think, …
Therapist near me: the reasons why your ADHD brain needs more sleep
As a therapist I’m usually a good sleeper. In fact, sleep and I have a bit of a thing going on. But last night? We weren’t friends at all. I …
Anxiety Treatment & Anxiety Disorder
Anxiety Disorder Occasional anxiety is an expected part of life. You might feel anxious when faced with a problem at work, before taking a test, or before making an important …
THE ADHD ADVANTAGE: The 10 greatest benefits of ADHD brains
Is ADHD a gift? Yes. No. Kinda. Sorta. Maybe. It depends. And everything in between. ADHD brains are different. And with difference comes great strength and great struggle. There are …
Choosing to Live Your Life over Anxiety
Remember that anxiety list you keep? It might not be a literal list, but it is a list somewhere in your psyche. I am referring specifically to that list that …
Effective Therapy for Distressed Couples
Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) is a short-term (8 – 20 sessions) and structured approach to couples’ therapy developed by Drs. Sue Johnson and Les Greenberg in the 1980’s. It is …
Questioning for Clarity: Online Counseling New Jersey and Nutrition Coach Philadelphia
We have all struggled with uncertainty at one point or another in life, and you may find that the more you search for an answer, the muddier everything becomes. While …
The Guilt of Not Working More, When We’re Done for the Day
At the end of a day of work, there can be a simple practice of wrapping things up and shutting down for the day. Boca Raton Therapy Christiane Blanco-Oilar, Ph.D., …
How To Experience More Wow
Awe might seem an unobtainable luxury to many but, with the right approach, you can enjoy it daily – no mountain required. On a crisp, clear day in January about …
Active Listening – Online Counseling New Jersey
When communicating in counseling It can be easy to focus more on what we are saying than how we are listening. If we are not truly hearing what someone is …
Menstrual Cycle and Mood
The menstrual cycle is composed of four different phases, which vary in duration from woman to woman, and may fluctuate in length. The phases are menstrual, follicular, ovulation, and luteal. …
Cortisol, Stress, and Overall Nutrition Health
Cortisol is our body’s primary stress hormone. Our levels of cortisol fluctuate throughout the day, with morning typically being when we have our highest levels of cortisol with a decrease …